​​​biZamity SEO

​Build A Strong Online Presence & Conquer Search Engine Metrics ​with Your Very Own SEO Web BEACON


Professional SEO Services - Activate Your ​Virtual Beacon For Search Engines Like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Help potential customers find your business online by boosting your visibility in their search results.  With our proven SEO methodology, our solutions boost search rankings, drive traffic to ​your website, and generate more leads for your business. 

Get more traffic, leads, and sales with BizAMITY's professional SEO solutions

"What Methodology?", you ask?  SEO specialists use metrics to monitor rankings, detect issues, or measure the health of a website.  However, websites do not always leverage the same set of metrics.  Each website has its own unique metrics that serve as a benchmark for SEO strategies.  Unfortunately, it is all too common that an SEO specialist has not been institutionally taught, and therefore does not know which metrics to track.  In fact, most of them have a hard time figuring out what causes the ranking problem or predicting how their work will affect the site.  The problem lies with how SEO specialists use the metrics they are familiar with, causing them to potentially implement outdated practices that endanger their client’s website.


​Our ​Seamless 'Method to the Madness'  for Search Engine Optimization

​Six Core Metrics Help Our In-House Experts Define Search Parameters ​That Work!

Our team of SEO Analysts conducted dozens of experiments on hundreds of sites to create a methodology that segmented the search metrics to the 6 most essential groups.​  Each ​SEO metric touches on ranking factors which in turn help better analyze our specific SEO strategy allowing us to make insightful, data-driven decisions for your site.  They not only provide a form of validation to our committed work, but also show the growth opportunities ​that you too can have integrated into your website.  


​​Authority is known internally to Google as PageRank, which serves as the primary authority algorithm. ​ PageRank functions like a link voting system among pages to determine which pages have the highest relevance. Google not only looks at the quantity of the links pointing to a page, but also at the quality of these links.

Authority is known internally to Google as PageRank, which serves as the primary authority algorithm. Released in 1998, PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. PageRank functions like a link voting system among pages to determine which pages have the highest relevance. Google not only looks at the quantity of the links pointing to a page, but also at the quality of these links.

Professional, high-quality logo design based on the client’s brand personality and specifications with a five-day turnaround time. Includes two design studies and up to three revisions


​​Search engines are turning to user intent to determine which websites deliver relevant content to visitors​.  Unlike Authority, Behavior is a metric that you can control if you have Analytics.  This metric tells you if your SEO is targeting the right audience.  User behavior data provide search engines insights on how visitors engage a website when they are searching.

Search engines are turning to user intent to determine which websites deliver relevant content to visitors, which turns us to this specific metric group: Behavior. Unlike Authority, Behavior is a metric that you can control if you have Analytics.
The Behavior metric tells you if your SEO is targeting the right audience. User behavior data provide search engines insights on how visitors engage a website when they are searching. These metrics include:

Crisp and professional HTML-based email newsletter design compatible with all major email providers, tailored to drive email campaigns. Includes two design studies, with a five-day turnaround time


​​On-page is the first metric of search. Foundationally known as the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), this serves as the core of all search engines.  As opposed to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), LDA is the literal and basic element of the On-page metric.  It is the reason content will always be king—search engines will figure out what the website is talking about based on how the website talks about it.

On-page is the first metric of search. Foundationally known as the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), this serves as the core of all search engines. As opposed to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), LDA is the literal and basic element of the On-page metric. It is the reason content will always be king—search engines will figure out what the website is talking about based on how the website talks about it.
Customized email signatures that reflect your client’s brand identity. Includes two design studies, with a five-day turnaround time


​​The Quality metric is the on-page regulating element of the Google algorithm.  This augments or depreciates your on-page score.  Along with Google Panda, this does the incremental increases and decreases across your ​website.  Elements that leverage this metric are; content originality, mobility, sociability, security, user friendliness, content quality, & trust signals on-site.

The Quality metric is the on-page regulating element of the Google algorithm. This augments or depreciates your on-page score. Along with Google Panda, this does the incremental increases and decreases across your client’s website.
Customized, eye-catching business card design based on the client’s brand personality and specifications with a five-day turnaround time. Includes two design studies and up to three revision


​​Off-page is a Google-invented metric that focuses on building quality backlinks.  Larry Page invented the concept of backlinks to view the relevance of a website based on the links that point to it.  This metric involves all external factors that influence the performance or ranking of a page or website—this is opposed to On-page, which focuses on internal parts of a page or website that influence its rankings.

Off-page is a Google-invented metric that focuses on building quality backlinks. Larry Page invented the concept of backlinks to view the relevance of a website based on the links that point to it. This metric involves all external factors that influence the performance or ranking of a page or website—this is opposed to On-page, which focuses on internal parts of a page or website that influence its rankings.
Customized email signatures that reflect your client’s brand identity. Includes two design studies, with a five-day turnaround time


​​The Trust metric is the Off-Page regulating element of the Google algorithm.  Also known as Google Penguin, this focuses on a website’s backlink profile and digital footprint.  Organic, relevant link building is the most important element to look at when it comes to the Trust metric.  Trust is a metric that you cannot manipulate. Nonetheless, many SEO specialists perceive that Trust has a big role in the success of a website from a search perspective.

Trust is a metric that you cannot manipulate. Nonetheless, many SEO specialists perceive that Trust has a big role in the success of a website from a search perspective.
Customized, eye-catching business card design based on the client’s brand personality and specifications with a five-day turnaround time. Includes two design studies and up to three revision

​​​. . . So What's Your Competition Doing?

of U.S. Small   Businesses...

...do not invest in seo, lowering their odds of being found by customers.

​of U.S. Small  Businesses...

...plan to invest in professional seo services through 2018.

​of U.S. Small  Businesses...

...are uncertain whether or not they will be investing in professional seo services.

Resource: ​https://clutch.co/seo-firms/resources/small-business-seo-in-2017-survey


Quickly Find Out What Elements May Be Keeping Your Website From Ranking​

​​Just as doctors must determine the correct diagnosis before they can prescribe a cure, SEO site audits are an important first step to determine what your SEO campaign must focus on to get the desired results.  By allowing us to evaluate your website based on how well it leverages key ranking factors, ​a site audit will help spot opportunities, provide you with the right recommend solutions, and set ​appropriate expectations for ​your SEO campaign.  If we find that your site does not require SEO strategies, we'll be the first to tell you that!

There are ​5 Main Components in an SEO Site Audit.  Each are important in setting the SEO campaign on the right course. ​​ ​Upon completion of an SEO Site Audit, we provide an explanation​​ of each component in greater detail and review any key points you should be aware of​.  Meanwhile, here are brief overviews of each component.

​Keyword Selection​​

​​​The backbone of any SEO campaign. Determines which keywords the campaign will set as a goal.

On-page is the first metric of search. Foundationally known as the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), this serves as the core of all search engines. As opposed to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), LDA is the literal and basic element of the On-page metric. It is the reason content will always be king—search engines will figure out what the website is talking about based on how the website talks about it.
Customized email signatures that reflect your client’s brand identity. Includes two design studies, with a five-day turnaround time

Accessibility & Indexability

​​​Checks whether your website & target pages are crawled & indexed by Search Engines properly. ​

The Quality metric is the on-page regulating element of the Google algorithm. This augments or depreciates your on-page score. Along with Google Panda, this does the incremental increases and decreases across your client’s website.
Customized, eye-catching business card design based on the client’s brand personality and specifications with a five-day turnaround time. Includes two design studies and up to three revision


Focuses on two main elements: Content & Meta-Content.  The single most powerful ranking factor there is. ​

On-page is the first metric of search. Foundationally known as the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), this serves as the core of all search engines. As opposed to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), LDA is the literal and basic element of the On-page metric. It is the reason content will always be king—search engines will figure out what the website is talking about based on how the website talks about it.
Customized email signatures that reflect your client’s brand identity. Includes two design studies, with a five-day turnaround time


​Typically ​​focuses on value-adding backlinks to establish your site's digital footprint.  ​

The Quality metric is the on-page regulating element of the Google algorithm. This augments or depreciates your on-page score. Along with Google Panda, this does the incremental increases and decreases across your client’s website.
Customized, eye-catching business card design based on the client’s brand personality and specifications with a five-day turnaround time. Includes two design studies and up to three revision

​Penalties & Warnings

​Establishing trust with search engines - usually associated with Google's "Panda" & "Penguin" algorithm updates.

On-page is the first metric of search. Foundationally known as the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), this serves as the core of all search engines. As opposed to Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), LDA is the literal and basic element of the On-page metric. It is the reason content will always be king—search engines will figure out what the website is talking about based on how the website talks about it.
Customized email signatures that reflect your client’s brand identity. Includes two design studies, with a five-day turnaround time
There are five main components in an SEO site audit. Each are important in setting the SEO campaign on the right course. In this training guide, we’ll walk you through each component, the key points you should know, and what to tell your client when you discuss the SEO site audit with them.

Get instant access to Your SEO Site Audit now!

​When it comes to your SEO campaign, we believe in starting out on the proper footing.  Your SEO Site Audit is an important diagnostic tool that we use to inform you of key metrics, establish trust, and prioritize our initiatives for your individual campaign​. Request Yours Today!

SEO ​Site Audit

5 Key Components ​​​To A Successful SEO Campaign

What our customers are saying:

​Our phone wont' stop ringing​​ with customer reservations

When​ you're running a restaurant, things can get really busy - especially on weekends. The last thing on our minds was checking if customers can easily find us when they're searching online. After working with our new digital agency, they helped optimize our website and our phone won't stop ringing with customers asking for reservations.  They definitely helped us get more business for our restaurant.

When you' r e r unni ng a
 r es t a ur a nt ,
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 The l a s t
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 when t hey' r e s ea r c hi ng onl i ne.
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 r es er va ons .
 defini t el y
 hel ped us
 mor e bus i nes s
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 r es t a ur a n

SIMON  //  Restaurant Manager

A stiff increase in our lead volume​

​Our owner was looking for real ROI with our digital marketing efforts - the measurable kind. It took about 3 months for the traffic to take a significant turn upwards and we started to receive a stiff increase in our lead volume. We were easily able to secure a higher SEO investment from the board, based on impressive results. My confidence grew with every presentation as I had good news to report every month. Our problem now, is fulfilling the high volume of investment opportunities we created.

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 We wer e ea s i l y
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 f r om t he boa r d,
 ba s ed on i mpr es s i ve r es ul t s .
 c onfidenc e gr ew wi t h ever y
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​PAUL  //  ​Marketing Director

Driving Your Business To Online Success​

If you are looking to increase the number of customers, sales leads and clients you have, you will need to be as visible as possible to your potential customers.  

We believe that SEO holds tremendous power to change and grow businesses.

​BizAMITY SEO Services help maximize the potential of your website as a business tool, build your brand reputation, and establish your name as the leader in your industry.​

​​​Did YOU KNOW​?

of U.S. Small   Businesses...

​That 93% of the online experiences begin with a Search Engine?

​of U.S. Small  Businesses...

​That search still is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites?

of U.S. Small   Businesses...

​That 75% of users never click past the first page of search results?

​of U.S. Small  Businesses...

​That 70% of the links users click on Search are Organic?

of U.S. Small   Businesses...

​That Content Marketing brings up to 2000% increase in blog traffic & 40% increase in ROI?

​of U.S. Small  Businesses...

​That over 39% of customers today come from Search?


What You Can Expect

The goal of SEO is to build a strong online presence to ensure visitors can more easily find your website amongst all your competitors online. Our primary aim is to improve page ranking so that users will see your website when they type certain keywords or phrases into search engines like Google, Bing, & Yahoo. In order for us to achieve this goal, we have to coordinate several different, but closely related activities.

Our Five-Phase Methodology


Site Assessment​ - ​We will​ understand your business, identify its market and find the competition. We will select Keywords that are meant to drive relevant traffic to your site. We will find potential challenges to the marketing performance of your site.

QUICK FACT: 90% of a campaign's success relies on the proper selection of keywords


​Campaign Road Map - Based on your industry, competition and the inherent characteristics of your site, we will create a strategy meant to match or beat the competition taking your website's structure, code, and digital footprint distribution called the Campaign Roadmap. We requisition contributors to your project such as SEO's, Writers, Analysts, Webmasters and in the most extreme cases, seasoned experts with over a decade's worth of successful web experience and organize activities that are meant to drive success to you in the shortest time possible. We report the work to you in real time and in some cases, require collaboration in order to achieve the best results for your campaign. We drive as many strengths to your website as we can, as soon as we can.

Based on your industry, competition and the inherent characteristics of your site, we will create a strategy meant to match or beat the competition taking your website's structure, code, and digital footprint distribution called the Campaign Roadmap
We requisition contributors to your project such as SEO's, Writers, Analysts, Webmasters and in the most extreme cases, seasoned experts with over a decade's worth of successful web experience and organize activities that are meant to drive success to you in the shortest time possible We report the work to you in real time and in some cases, require collaboration in order to achieve the best results for your campaign
We drive as many strengths to your website as we can, as soon as we can


On-Page SEO - We identify the technical elements of your site that can be improved to drive better traffic performance to your website. We match the search phrases to the pages on your site and evaluate if your website sends the correct semantic signals to Search Engines regarding their Value Proposition, product or service. We create algorithmically appealing content while attempting to match your marketing language in order to penetrate Search filters and reach your target audience.

QUICK FACT70% of ranking success in small markets is attributed to On-Page factors.

We identify the technical elements of your site that can be improved to drive better traffic performance to your website
We match the search phrases to the pages on your site and evaluate if your website sends the correct semantic signals to Search Engines regarding their Value Proposition, product or service
We create algorithmically appealing content while attempting to match your marketing language in order to penetrate Search filters and reach your target audience 70% of ranking success in small markets is attributed to On-Page factors


Off-Page SEO - We look into your digital footprint and build our campaign based off the referral information in the world wide web about your website.
We balance out your anchor texts to create a natural and balanced off-page profile. We acquire inbound links to your site with our proprietary outreach program that acquires referral backlinks from unique publishers online, month over month.

QUICK FACT: Backlinks still contribute to over 60% of rankings in search.

We look into your digital footprint and build our campaign based off the referral information in the world wide web about your website
We balance out your anchor texts to create a natural and balanced off-page profile
We acquire inbound links to your site with our proprietary outreach program that acquires referral backlinks from unique publishers online, month over month Backlinks still contribute to over 60% of rankings in search


​Reporting and Analytics - ​​Our team has invested heavily in technology and provide you with real time reporting and collaboration through our proprietary user dashboard. Our dashboard integrates Analytics, Social and Search Console data to allow business owners holistic access to the most important marketing data about their site and project progress on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile. Generate Reports and Analysis online and in real time. 

QUICK FACT: Over 80% of ROI opportunity is found through Analytics and Periodic Reporting.

As a company, we have heavily invested in technology and provide you with real time reporting and collaboration through our proprietary user dashboard Our dashboard integrates Analytics, Social and Search Console data to allow business owners holistic access to the most important marketing data about their site and project progress on Desktop, Tablet or Mobile Generate Reports and Analysis online and in real time Over 80% of ROI opportunity is found through Analytics and Periodic Reporting

Allowing us to manage all these activities, ensures a professional effort and positive results. We conduct a thorough investigation to find out everything there is to know about your target audience and how we can utilize your website’s content to drive traffic and turn your visitors into paying customers.

Our SEO methodology is a process that takes place over time, involving result-driven practices. Simply redesigning web pages and rewriting content won't ensure results. Truly building SEO authority takes an on-going effort over the course of months.

STEVE McCOWN  //  Founder & CEO

​​As a passionate entrepreneur, I'm on a mission to help business owners & private practice physicians achieve online marketing success ​& thrive in business.  I am the founder ​& CEO of Med-Rev Complete, a full service revenue cycle management & marketing agency.  Our team is compiled of dynamic, assertive, reputable members dedicated to your success.  As I strive for life balance, I find my time is spent growing as a Christian, co-parenting four wonderful independent children, ​& thanking God for a committed marriage of over 23 years to my beautiful bride & best friend.

Steve McCown

Join Over 300 Happy Customers!

​Our 6 month ROI has been over 2000%!

​Our industry is extremely competitive and we were looking for a way to reach as many new clients as we could. We decided to give SEO a try, although we were very unfamiliar with it. We decided to track where all our paid leads were coming. We trusted our new partner's experience and advice and we were kept updated with regular reports on results and progress. After a couple of months, phone calls from prospective clients increased massively which directly affected our bottom line. Our return on investment over 6 months has been over 2000% and we are projecting an ongoing return for years to come.

​DONAVIN  //  Manager

​This digital strategy really helped us stand out

​Our pub was reasonable successful in attracting patrons after sport matches, or just for a meal and a drink or two. Our real goal was to become a real destination in our city. After implementing an effective SEO strategy geared towards our functions and events, our traffic increased 10-fold. This digital strategy really helped us stand out from the competition in our city and we were able to finally reach our target audience.

​JILL  //  Restaurant & Pub Owner

​Our bottom line increased by 70%​​

​Competition in the real estate industry is very steep, and we know how much online presence can make a difference in getting customers. We worked with a digital marketing agency before, but unfortunately, they were not able to provide the results our real estate company needs. Transferring our account to our new agency was the best decision we made. They provided us with a new website design and implemented an effective SEO strategy that helped us get more leads. Our bottom line increased by 70%, and our business is growing more than ever.

​DAVE  //  Real Estate Broker​

The Best Time to Start Getting Found Online is Now!

When it comes to your SEO campaign, we believe in starting out on the proper footing.  Your SEO Site Audit is ​an important diagnostic tool that we use to inform you of key metrics, establish trust, and prioritize our initiatives for your individual campaign​. 

Request Yours Today!

SEO Site Audit

5 Key Components ​​​To A Successful SEO Campaign

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't think we have a budget for this kind of work at the moment.

​I want results now and I know SEO is a long-term strategy.

​How do I know your methodology works?

​I got burnt by SEO companies before.

​Do I really need this?  I'm doing well with word of mouth referrals

​Won't Pay-Per-Click be a better option for me?


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